Combined divisions - these are NOT official results.OBCATS Indoor Action 12-01-06
Match Date: 12/1/2006
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyForAgeMatch PtsMatch %Point Series
1Marques, DaveA29786MProductionMinorNoNo 275.2762100.000%
2Bolivar, RamonA53712COpenMajorNoNoSenior240.943487.528%
3Bautistsa, ChristopherULimitedMajorNoNo 229.604983.409%
4Lai, DanielTY44166BOpenMajorNoNoSuper Senior220.217379.999%
5Wiemer, EricTY33719BLimitedMajorNoNo215.168278.164%
6de Vries, MattTY50479CProductionMinorNoNo 199.759272.567%
7Fishman, VadimA53025DOpenMajorNoNo 192.238569.835%
8Rosenwald, MarkA28881CLimitedMajorNoNoSenior181.255465.845%
9Geling, BertA52115CProductionMinorNoNoSenior176.264764.032%
10Zhylin, DimitryA55276CProductionMinorNoNo 175.415263.723%
11Cinardo, MikeA53829ULimitedMajorNoNo 166.207160.378%
12Silva, SeptimusL955CLimitedMajorNoNoSenior142.459151.751%
13Vikhnevich, AleksanderA53026CProductionMinorNoNo 108.370739.368%
14Shuravesky, SlavUProductionMinorNoNo 107.777139.152%
15Rosenthal, DaveA53602URevolverMajorNoNo 84.456530.681%
16Van Liew, JohnUProductionMinorNoNo 24.60278.937%
Number of Competitors:16
Printed:12/10/06 8:46 PMPage 1 of 1
Combined divisions - these are NOT official results. Odd things happen when comparing these Combined results to the By Division results. Sometimes the 'Order of Finsh' changes. Normaly this only occurs when two shooters have very similar scores in the By Division results. This is because a different High Hit factor was set for stages in the Combinded results. This is a normal occurance, but it takes more of a math whiz than me to explain.